DATE: September 5, 2019
CONTACT: Larry Lane
[email protected]
VR Business Brokers Facilitates Merger of Denton Depot & HSA Enterprises
September 5, 2019 – VR Business Brokers of Dallas TX, a leader in the sale of privately held
companies, recently facilitated the merger of two long time highly successful Promotional Product
HSA Enterprises has been in business since 1987, providing expertise in building brands by
providing unique, high quality promotional products, excellent service and customer-focused
marketing. HSA Enterprises, while based in Miami, FL, has a diverse customer base of clients
throughout various states including Texas (https://www.hsaenterprises.com/).
Denton Depot also began in 1987, and is the original promotional products company serving the
Denton, TX marketplace. Tonya and Larry Parker purchased Denton Depot in 2008 and have
continued the tradition of providing superior customer service, fair pricing and quality products,
while at the same time injecting new energy and enthusiasm in the business, resulting in substantial
growth over the last few years.
The merger of these two well respected brands will result in an even stronger entity, with national
reach, an unmatched customer service platform and incredible product assortment. Tonya and
Larry will remain as the primary contacts for the Denton Depot (http://www.dentondepot.com)
customer base.
VR Business Brokers of Dallas, TX (www.vrdallas.com) handled all aspects of the transaction,
from initial business valuation to marketing the opportunity and providing support through the
closing process. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
About VR Business Brokers, Dallas, TX
VR Business Brokers of Dallas is part of the worldwide franchisor organization that has been
servicing small to medium size privately held companies since 1979. VR Business Brokers of
Dallas has handled transactions for privately held businesses with revenue ranging from $200,000
to $60,000,000 and assists business owners with exit strategy planning, business valuations,
packaging and marketing of the opportunity, and full negotiation services through to closing. For
more information about VR Business Brokers, please call 214-733-8282, or visit