DATE: October 6, 2021
CONTACT: Larry Lane
[email protected]
VR Business Brokers Facilitates Sale of Atomic Candy
October 6, 2021 – VR Business Brokers of Dallas TX, a leader in the sale of privately held
companies, recently facilitated the sale of Atomic Candy, a unique and well-known business
located on the square in downtown Denton, TX.
Atomic Candy, a concept created by Tim Loyd, was opened 10 years ago, and had an instant
impact as another great attraction to the downtown square are. Uniquely nostalgic with the store
design and with the products it carries, the store has won a variety of awards including “Best Store
on the Square” by the readers of the Denton Record Chronicle and the Texas Downtown
Associations 2012 Presidents award for best interior of a retail store! The store not only carries a
huge variety of candies but also has novelty items, gifts, and toys.
The business has been purchased by Scott and Denise Dalrymple – residents of Garland, TX and
owners of another retail business in Dallas, TX. Their other business also happens to have been
purchased through VR Business Brokers of Dallas.
Scott was taken with the concept of Atomic Candy right away and states “We fully plan to respect
the attributes that Tim has used to build this business – uniqueness and creativity in the store design
and products offered, combined with a great professional staff working in a fun environment!”
VR Business Brokers of Dallas, TX handled all aspects of the transaction, from initial business
valuation to marketing the opportunity and providing support through the closing process. Terms
of the transaction were not disclosed. Funding was provided by First Citizens Bank, Dallas, TX.
For more information about Atomic Candy visit their website at https://atomic-candy.com/.
About VR Business Brokers, Dallas, TX
VR Business Brokers of Dallas is part of the worldwide franchisor organization that has been
servicing small to medium size privately held companies since 1979. VR Business Brokers of
Dallas handles transactions for companies with revenues ranging from $200,000 to $20,000,000,
and assists business owners with exit strategy planning, business valuations, packaging and
marketing of the opportunity, and full negotiation services through to closing. For more
information about VR Business Brokers, please call 214-733-8282, or visit www.vrdallas.com.